Below questions were asked to H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi by public during a public program on 23rd March 1993 at New Delhi, India during a Public Program. These questions form a good set of queries that the seekers have while starting Sahaja Yoga Meditation. While the below FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is a good read to understand progress of oneself in Sahaja Yoga, it is always advisable to visit the nearest center weekly during the meditation day, experience your self realisation and do 15 minutes of daily morning meditation and evening footsoak. Your queries would be resolved in the next 2 to 3 months. The list of FAQ's and answers by Shri Mataji are appended below:-
Question: “What is the way to do Sahaja Yoga?”
Answer: There is no hard and fast rule about how to do it. Now, when you have taken your realisation, please go to our centers and learn from there.....
.....So, I have no ways and methods. Go to Sahaja Yoga centers. People who already practice will tell you how to practice it and how it should be done. For every individual, Sahaja Yoga has something different to share. So, go to our centers. You will understand yourself, how you can attain your own qualities embedded within you, and your qualities will progress and you will realize yourself.
Question: “How long does it take to become an expert in Sahaja Yoga?”
It’s not about expertise in Sahaja Yoga as it's not a study. As I told you, it is a living process. At what time the tree will bear fruit, you cannot tell. Also, not all trees bear fruit at the same time. The first stage we are to achieve is Nirvichara (thoughtless awareness) and the second stage is Nirvikalpa Samadhi (doubtless awareness). Then you go beyond time. A few people attain this state in as little as two days. A few people take four to five years to reach this state.
Question: “Shri Mataji, please forgive me and guide me whether to pray to You as a human or as a god. I am unable to decide. Please guide me.”
Answer: Please do not worship Me. When you grow deeper in divinity, your eyes will open and you will understand who I am. I do not want to disclose about Myself. Only My followers tell others who I am. You don’t need to know about Me. When you know yourself, then do as you please.
Question: They are feeling the Cool Breeze in the hands; more in one, less in another, and less over the head. “I have a chronic disease due to which I get heavy migraines in my head but I am doing better with some medicine. I hear a lot of noises in my head.”
Answer: This fellow should come into Sahaja Yoga completely. Go and visit our center and you will get rid of all your problems. This isn’t a very big problem. You will start getting vibrations on both of your palms and also on your head.
Question: “If you are asked for forgiveness, what percentage of forgiveness do you grant?” (Clapping)
Answer: I am Mother. I keep forgiving. It’s My nature to forgive. I don’t keep anything in My heart even for a minute. If I have to show anyone that I am upset, I pretend to be angry. I cannot be serious for more than two minutes. I am not a guru or baba. When one man came, he saw Me smiling and was surprised that Mother laughs and smiles. He told Me, “My guruji never ever smiles.” I told him to leave any such guru because it’s useless to follow that person. You are here to enjoy life and have fun in life, not for a state of ritual impurity existing after birth.
Question: “Do you believe in rituals?”
Answer: Not at all. Rituals are useless. I mean, if we kill insects, insects are to be killed. Whom will I give realisation to? Insects, bugs, hens or goats? All this is useless. You should eat according to your dietary needs. Some people need proteins, some need carbohydrates, according to their state of health. You should eat food which is beneficial and fit for you. Like, people from foreign countries are advised to take more carbohydrates as they are too right-sided. It is simple: if you are right-sided, eat more carbohydrates, and if you are left-sided, eat more proteins. Eat what is right for you. Just avoid eating animals which are bigger in size than you. You will look like them then, and there are lots like them.
Question: In a few people, their chakras are not all right, but with meditation will they become all right?
Answer: Many people think that if they meditate in their homes it’s an acceptable practice. Let me tell you one thing: not at all. You all have to visit the centers. If people do not come to the centers, we can’t say anything about them, because you get well only in the collectivity. For example, if a nail on My hand is cut off, it cannot grow. You cannot help it; it just dies. Many people claim, “We meditate in our own houses.” It’s not done. You should come and be collective. When you are part of the collective, then you will understand better who you are. Not before that. Everyone should come into collective meditation. Otherwise, you cannot get right.
For attaining Nirvikalpa Samadhi, you don’t have to do anything. Just clear your chakras more and get deeper into collectivity. Slowly and gradually, the Nirvikalpa state will happen on its own. You will come into Nirvikalpa yourself. Then I don’t need to tell you anything. Till you are in Nirvikalpa you cannot be called a Sahaja yogi.
Question: “Why was the universe created, and why are we made?”
Answer: So that you can enter into the Kingdom of God and enjoy.
Question: “In India we are poor people, and people abroad are more prosperous, and why are there poverty and abundance?”
Answer: Our country is poor because we are not patriotic. Even the politicians are not patriotic here. When we become patriotic we will become prosperous.
Question: This is a query by a wife about her husband, that he doesn’t go to shop, he doesn’t work, and his business is falling apart.
Answer: Please remove your attention from all these things and put your attention on God Almighty. Get your enlightenment, and everything will be all right.
Question: “What should I ask while standing at the door of the Almighty?”
Answer: Connection with the Spirit.
Once Birbal was asked, “Who are the most disgusting people?” He said, “All those who stand at the gate of God and beg. Whatever you see people do there, in thousands you will get.”
Question: “Should we say anything while meditating?”
Answer: No, no. Don’t say anything while meditating. Stop saying anything. Later, you will know what mantras are to be used, and when and where. You are talking about mantras. If there’s any trouble with your Shiva’s principle, that won’t be removed by Shri Rama. You can learn the science of mantras. Just learn that.
Question: How do I meditate?
Answer: Come into Sahaja Yoga. You will learn. It’s very easy, really easy to meditate. Very easy....
......You don’t have to leave anything. There is no detachment from your wife or family. There’s nothing to leave. What’s there to leave? Stones! Don’t leave anything. There is no need to go to the Himalayas. You will gain from living here within Delhi city. You don’t have to run away from anyone. You have to correct yourself living with them.
Question: “It is agreed that in Sahaja Yoga we get cleared, our chakras get cleared, our health becomes okay. What is its role in our daily lives, like job, occupation, and so on?”
Answer: You become a perfectionist. Your attention becomes perfect. Your prosperity grows very speedily. In America we gave realisation to one lady who has a shop. She told me, “Mother, before I received my Self-realisation I used to write down in detail all my accounts. Now I have forgotten to do this, but I am making such huge profits that I am unable to understand it.” Your business and professional life is blessed immensely by God’s blessings. Have faith. You will do wonders in worldly things. Your house, family, children, business, are all blessed by Shri Laxmi. You are blessed by Shri Saraswati, too. By the blessings of Shri Kali, you are protected. You get all sorts of blessings in Sahaja Yoga. But before that, just enter God’s Kingdom. You are bothering of congresses and government. Today this government, tomorrow that government; I cannot say anything about the local government. I can only talk about God’s Kingdom. Come into God’s Kingdom and see how miraculously things happen. Not yet; you haven’t come into His Kingdom.
Question: “Mother, please fill the entire universe with your love. Fill it with God’s love.”
Answer: A very nice thing you have mentioned. This is My thought, too, but it has to be fulfilled only by you. Only you can channel this process. If I could do it all alone, why would I come to you? This will happen only by humanity. Only you will be the medium to do this job. So, please come forward and do this.