Experience and Benefits: A balanced Mooladhar Chakra will help you maintain and increase your inner wisdom. You’ll be able to quickly distinguish right from wrong. The wisdom of this chakra will enable you to avoid action (or inaction) that is harmful to yourself or others.
A balanced Mooladhar chakra will also lead to improved memory, attention and focus. You’ll be able to manage your intellectual energy and make decisions quickly while maintaining emotional balance and stability.
Additionally, the innocence of this chakra will enable you to view other people and situations without prejudice or bias. Your actions will be pure as a result.
Tapping into your Mooladhar Chakra will give you the ability and authority to raise your own Kundalini energy as well as that of others who also wish to experience the benefits of Kundalini energy awakening. You will become better able to distinguish false information. You will not fall prey to those who would cheat you or "take you for a ride."
Your Mooladhar chakra plays a role in helping you remain in harmony with nature. It also helps you to avoid unnatural or unhealthy lifestyles (those that may be considered “perverse” or “against nature”). Mooladhar Chakra allows you to respect your innocence and purity, as well as that of others. It is through the Mooladhar chakra that birth and creation continue their course.
When you experience a disruption of your Mooladhar chakra, many illnesses may result. Because it governs sexuality and the reproductive system, balancing this chakra will guard against a misuse of sexuality or sexual perversions. Mooladhar Chakra also governs your excretory system. When the chakra is balanced, your body will be free of diarrhea or constipation.
Left channel problems, such as depression or lethargy, can also be prevented by balancing the Mooladhar chakra. Right channel problems, such as aggressive behavior, excessive thinking, excessive planning and overindulging may also be eliminated.
Experience and Benefits: The most important physiological function of your Swadisthan chakra is the breaking down of fat particles within your abdomen to replace your brain’s gray and white matter – the stuff of “thinking.”
Excessive thinking and planning is very common in today’s world. Ultimately, the right side of your Swadisthan chakra can become exhausted by all that thought. When this happens, you may find that your creativity falters and your work becomes lifeless. You may no longer experience spontaneity and joy.
This happens because your Swadisthan chakra is neglecting other organs that it should be taking care of in order to replenish the brain matter you have lost through an excess of thought.
For example, your liver has to work harder to produce fat cells to meet your body’s demand. Because the liver is the seat of attention, you lose focus and pure thought is compromised.
Experience and Benefits:The most important physiological function of your Nabhi chakra is regulating many of your internal organs. The left Nabhi regulates the pancreas and spleen. Your center Nabhi regulates your stomach and intestines. Your right Nabhi regulates your liver and gall bladder.
Your liver’s role in meditation cannot be overemphasized. It’s vital to achieving a state of perfect thoughtless awareness and attention. Because we tend to live stressful lives, our livers are prone to overheating and exhaustion. Practicing Sahaja Yoga will help you balance and protect this essential organ.
The Nabhi chakra also plays an important role in proper digestion and metabolism. Over indulgence in food affects your Nabhi chakra. Good, nutritional food eaten at regular intervals helps keep the Nabhi chakra balanced.
Experience and Benefits: The most important physiological function of your Anahat chakra is the regulation of your heart and lungs. These organs control the health of your circulatory and respiratory systems, making proper function absolutely essential. The Anahat chakra also controls the breasts and thymus gland. The thymus gland is a small gland located behind the top of your breastbone. It is essential in the functioning of your immune system.
Sometimes, we confuse love and compassion with less desirable feelings of possession and selfishness. Because the Sahaja Yoga fills your heart with the divine energy , you are able to tell the difference. You will find yourself more aware of the needs of others. You will be able to love purely and without selfishness.
As with many of the other chakras, the stresses of daily life can lead to blockage and imbalance. Excessive thinking, excessive planning, insecurity and anxiety can all contribute to an imbalance of your Anahat chakra. However, when you energize this chakra through meditation, you will regain balance. You will feel confident and secure-immune to negative influences. When the heart chakra is strong, you are free to fully appreciate the joy of life.
Experience and Benefits: The Vishuddhi chakra governs your neck, throat, arms, face, ears, mouth and teeth. It also controls your communication skills.
When your Vishuddhi chakra is balanced, you have a balanced perspective on events in your life. Challenges can be faced with tranquility. You feel optimistic even in overwhelming situations. The Vishuddhi chakra allows you to recognize that external events exist outside you. As a result, you are able to witness them calmly.
A balanced Vishuddhi is essential to your growth as a spiritual being.
It is also essential to the growth of positive and healthy relationships with others. Diplomacy and respect are both enhanced by the strength of this chakra. Practice of meditation in Sahaja Yoga enables you to energize and protect both the left and right sides of your Vishuddhi chakra. You can also energize this chakra when you speak from the heart and praise rather than criticize.
Experience and Benefits: Your Agnya chakra controls your sight, hearing and thoughts. It also controls your pituitary gland. This essential gland, also known as “the master gland,” regulates all the other endocrine glands and influences your growth, physiological maturation, metabolism and sleep.
Many of us spend long hours on the computer as part of our jobs. We also spend a great deal of time in front of the television. Too much visual stimulation can weaken the Agnya chakra. Thankfully, the regular practice of meditation in Sahaja Yoga can alleviate this problem.
Experience and Benefits: As the Kundalini energy pierces through the top of your head (also known as the fontanel area), it unites your individual consciousness (atma) to the universal consciousness (paramatma). This may be felt as a powerful pulsating sensation in the crown of your head. A melting sensation and cooler vibrations often follow these powerful pulsations. As a result of this experience, you will have obtained a new dimension of awareness that will allow you to better perceive truth. You will have everything you need to distinguish good from bad, right from wrong and truth from falsehood.